Our people

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Liz Sharp

I am the project leader for MAGIC, MOCA and the Community Action for Water website. I support the coproduction of community SUDS in Hull, and the wider co production of knowledge and impact concerning community action for water via the MOCA, MAGIC, BEGIN and other projects.

Liz’s University of Sheffield Staff Profile.

Frances Ellis

I’m the Project Manager for MAGIC and I support the team with community engagement, construction, publicity and developing a legacy project. I also work with the TimeBank Hull and East Riding.

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Anne F Hayes

I am the project administrator for the MAGIC project and the Community Action for Water website.

Dan Galbraith

I am a Business Mentor with Timebank Hull and East Riding, and involved in the development of local businesses, social enterprises and worker cooperatives. I recently completed an apprenticeship in Regenerative Agriculture. I am studying for a Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design, and am also in the process of writing a Dissertation on Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) in Hull and the East Riding as part of my MSc in Green Building at the Centre for Alternative Technology.

Link to Susdrainable

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Christine Sefton

I facilitate communities to explore how and why they could engage with community-based SUDS schemes and participate in co-produced research. My work has and is contributing to the MOCA, MAGIC and BEGIN projects.

Christine's University of Sheffield Staff Profile.

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Isabel Shaw

I contribute to the MAGIC and BEGIN projects by researching whether and how more multi-functional community-based action for water might be implemented more consistently across the UK.

Isabel’s University of Sheffield Staff Profile

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Virginia Stovin

I support the hydrological evaluation of community-based SUDS schemes within the TWENTY65, MOCA and MAGIC projects.

Virginia's University of Sheffield Staff Profile

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Sarah Payne

My role in the MAGIC project is to work with housing developers to propose alternatives to conventional surface water management on their new developments in the form of SUDS.

Sarah's University of Sheffield Staff Profile

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Ross Cameron

I offer support and guidance concerning the ecological components of the community-based SUDS schemes and the wider benefits associated with green/blue spaces, including factors that promote human health.

Ross’s University of Sheffield Staff Profile

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Steve Connelly

Within MAGIC, I support the evaluation of community-based SUDS co-production

Stephen's University of Sheffield Staff Profile.

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Gill Hughes

Within the MAGIC project I support the community engagement process and offer links with local organisations in Hull. I am also part of the Hull University-based Risky Cities project.

Gill's University of Hull Staff Profile.

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Nigel Dunnett

I assist in designing both community-based SUDS and those proposed as part of new housing developments for the MAGIC project. My focus is on planting for SUDS and other ecological applications, and developing 'high-impact, low-input' schemes that look good all year, and have great wildlife value.

Nigel’s website.

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Kate Macdonald

My role within the MAGIC project is in supporting community engagement and co-creating a legacy to the project.. I am founding Director of TimeBank Hull & East Riding and Working Board Member of Mutual Aid Networks.

Timebank Hull & East Riding website.

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Ruth Levene

I am an artist working in video, performance, walking, participatory art and mapping. Curious and concerned by the systems we live by, our relationship to the natural world and the ecological crisis we are living in. I make work that collectively explores water, wheat and policy making.

Ruth's webpage.

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Megan Clinch

My role in the MAGIC project is via my collaboration with the artist Ruth Levene to focus on public and planetary health.

Link to publications

Isabel Douterelo Soler

I am an environmental scientist working with citizen scientists in Ilkley, the first UK river with protected bathing status, to monitor water quality by using microbial source tracking techniques to assess the sources of contamination affecting bathing sites.

Isabel's University of Sheffield staff profile

Kiera Chapman

Kiera Chapman is a political ecologist, nature writer, and researcher on the MAGIC project. Alongside her interest in community rainwater management, she works on biodiversity loss and the planning system, and on the disavowal of environmental crisis in media discourse.

Our supporters