Blue Green Infrastructures through Social Innovation

What is BEGIN?

The Blue Green Infrastructure and social iNnovation explored innovative social arrangements needed to develop new water-nourishing green features in our urban environments. The part of the work we report here relates to Blue Green Infrastructure , social innovation, public health and public engagement.

Publications and events

Designing Blue Green Infrastructure (BGI) for water management, human health, and wellbeing: summary of evidence and principles for design.

Eun Yeong Choe, Anna Kenyon, Liz Sharp, University of Sheffield, September 2020

How actors are (dis)integrating policy agendas for multi-functional blue and green infrastructure projects on the ground

Jannes J Willems, Anna V Kenyon, Liz Sharp, Astrid Molenfeld, 2020

NEXT LEVEL 2021: a hybrid conference for liveable cities through nature-based solutions

Wednesday, 20 October 2021 - 9:00 to 18:00 (Europe/Brussels)

Energiehuis (Dordrecht, NL) and Online (HYBRID EVENT)