Install a raintank or “water butt”

There are three main types of container that you can use to slow the flow of water into drains:

  • Raintanks or waterbutts

  • Raintank planters

  • Raingarden planters

What is a raintank?

A raintank, or water butt, is a container that is connected to a downpipe on a building to collect rainwater from the roof.

By ensuring that this water doesn’t enter drains, the tank helps to reduce the impact of a storm. A tap at the base can be used to attach a hose or fill a watering can. 

You can use any watertight container to make a raintank or you can buy a ready-made model in most garden centres and DIY stores. Some water companies and local councils provide free or subsidized waterbutts.

Fitting a raintank is easy.

What is a raintank planter?

A raintank planter is a waterbutt concealed inside a planter.

Space is left above the container for water for soil and plants. These provide flowers and habitat for wildlife.

Raintanks provide you with a free source of non-drinking water that can be useful for watering the garden or washing the car.

Find out more about how to install a water butt in this video from Anglian Water.